Tag: @beavercreekchamber

We are the Champions… This is one of the most recognizable songs in the world, and rightfully so. With the Olympics happening and the marathon just over 7 weeks away, it seemed appropriate to use today. So much has happened since last we talked. The Air Force has a new national partner with Girls on

Running down a dream (Tom Petty) It’s May!!! All of the spring races are happening, and it is amazing! I ran amuck last weekend (photos below with my cousin Chris at the Indy Mini and my pace partner Jennifer at the Flying Pig)  and truly found my joy again. Seeing everyone else hitting their stride,

“Learn to Fly”- Foo Fighters This may be the most appropriate song title I ever use for this blog. Foo Fighters are getting a lot of talk in our office-mostly by me. I recently listened to Dave Grohl’s book: The Storyteller. If you have not listened to it yet, download it as fast as possible.

In the middle of the miles Happy Tuesday, friends! How is your training coming along? Spring races are in full swing and trainings are probably hitting their last long run or you will do so in the next few weeks. Perhaps you’ve already run your ‘target race’ for the season and now are getting a

Get the party started!  Hello Friends! Happy Wednesday. This week’s song choice is from my favorite artist, P!nk. She exemplifies hard work and celebration, just as you do with training. We absolutely need to get this party started! RACE SEASON IS HERE. And…my beloved Purdue Boilermakers #boilerball are playing basketball this weekend, so I am

We are family… First: I love Sister Sledge and the song We are Family! This was also the best way I could think to introduce you to our ‘extended family-our ambassadors.’ When the application process began, I asked for stories and reasons why they wanted to represent the Air Force Marathon Events. The responses moved

Happy Valentine’s Day! What does Valentine’s Day have to do with this On the Move entry? A lot. Today the day the Air Force Marathon staff can finally reveal the featured aircraft for the 2024 race. This year’s selection has truly been a love affair. We’ve had one ‘not ready’, a breakup, and finally THE

Tell me why… If you have yet to figure out, songs are constantly playing in my head. I will be in a conversation with someone and pull lyrics out to match the situation. Is this normal? Who knows. It is my normal though and my friends are not only used to it but expect it.

24 days and counting! If you’ve been following along since January, you are probably aware race weekend is rapidly approaching. As of the writing of this post, we are 24 days out! This is the time when ALL the cliches come into play and fit perfectly. Rounding third and headed for home… Before I began

Choose Happy. Often times, the greatest experiences are the ones most difficult to put into words. Every time I finish a long-distance race, I take time to reflect and embrace the journey. As I shared back in May, I set out to complete a half marathon in August, the last one for me having been

Starting Over: Starting over again can be really daunting in any task, whether it is a job change, a relationship change, or a physical activity change. And since I am sitting in that position currently with re-starting my running regimen, I decided this seems a good time to give a pep-talk which works for my

For whom he runs:  Today’s featured Ambassador has captured the hearts of those who have run with him. Sid Busch may be one of the most selfless people we’ve had the pleasure of meeting. For those who do not know, Sid is a retired Navy Veteran (Senior Chief Sonar Tech). He has run thousands of

This week’s Star Spotlight is on Pamala Berry! Our Stars Crew is a very special group who have run the Air Force Marathon every year. Truly, they have gone through life together, catching up every September and sometimes more often. We would like to introduce you today to local Star, Pamala Berry. Why Air Force

An Olympic Hopeful in the Air Force? Our Tailwind Ambassador Crew is full of adventure and surprise. What may come as a big surprise to most is that one of the members is an Olympic Hopeful and will attempt to qualify again next summer. Senior Airman Michael Mannozzi is a race walker and competes for

What thoughts go through your head while out on a run? How many ‘world problems’ do you solve while logging miles? Recently, our ambassadors started posting ‘what they ponder.’ A lot of what travels through their heads is probably what goes through yours as well. I hope you laugh with them as we did, relating

Double the trouble or double the fun? This week’s Stars Spotlight is also a member of the Tailwind Ace Crew Ambassadors! Amanda Preble has taken part in the Air Force Marathon since 1997. She stated she had such a good time that first year, she just kept coming back. 2002 is her most sentimental year

Getting to know the Ambassadors: Over the last few months, we have truly had the honor to get to know our Ambassadors. The way they interact with the staff, with others in our group makes hearts swell. Reading John’s posts, his comments when others post is the reason he is today’s spotlight. Wanting you to

Why the Air Force Marathon? Rachael and I were interviewed for a podcast Monday. One of the first questions asked was ‘what brought you to the Air Force Marathon?’ Rachael’s story is one of working her way through the ranks and growth. Mine is different because I worked my way through a few different races

Ambassador Spotlight: Megan Mottet I would like to introduce you to Megan Mottet, our next Tailwind’s Ace Crew Ambassador. Megan is the definition of grit and grace. She encourages those around her and finds a fire within herself to dig deep and do more. As of this typing, Megan is ranked in the top 10%

On the move…It’s Expo Season! Race Expo season is really one of my most favorite things. Everyone in the office knows this. Rachael laughs and teases me about it. I have attempted to write this post at least 15 times about how much I love expos and why and the reason I feel like this

The age-old story of the Tortoise and the Hare… By now you have most likely heard the story of the tortoise and the hare. The hare is confident of winning the race, so he stops, rests, and does silly things along the way. At the same time, the tortoise is slow and steady. The hare

The Stars Shine Bright… When a race director first lays plans to have a race, they truly hope the people will come. Questions run through their head much like a runner runs laps racing the 5000M on a track. After the first iteration of the event, a true test of measure is who returns. And

Back in the Saddle… Do you exercise for health, for sanity, for goals? When I run, I like to have goals in mind whether it be an upcoming race I am running or a race I am pacing. I used to set timed goals to the point of obsession. At that time in my life,
