Blog - AFM Star Runner Pamala Berry!
This week’s Star Spotlight is on Pamala Berry!
Our Stars Crew is a very special group who have run the Air Force Marathon every year. Truly, they have gone through life together, catching up every September and sometimes more often. We would like to introduce you today to local Star, Pamala Berry.
Why Air Force Marathon?
We asked Pamala what lead her to start her Air Force Marathon streak and her answer was quick and to the point. She wanted a race close to home, where she could sleep in her own bed and drive to the start, run, and then return home in the same day. For everyone who has had the sleepless nights before a race, this truly does sound ideal. However, she did not intentionally set out to run this race every year. Pamala really enjoyed the people she met and began looking forward to seeing them again the following year. Thus, her streak was born!
What are you listening to today?
When asked about her listening choices: music, podcasts, books, or nature, Pamala responded that she loves all kinds of music. We should have asked if she was a singer as well! Her earbuds are designed to hear what’s around making nature a secondary response on listening choices. Also: safety first!!!
Someone else ALWAYS knows best…
Runners are always given advice whether they ask for it or not…kind of like new or expectant parents. Someone always knows more or is overly willing to tell you exactly what they believe you need to know. Advice Pamala willingly received: buy and run in shoes that are good and fit you well-not based on how they look. Advice she shirked: Running is bad for you. Don’t do it. Marathons are the worst! -Said by more than 50% of non-runners. The Air Force Marathon staff is happy she chose to ignore the bad advice!
Favorite Races?
New adventures and destination races intrigue many runners. The Marathon Team loves to know what other races should be on our radar as well. Pamala ran the Pittsburgh marathon and deemed it one of her favorites. At the expo, she purchased a shirt designed by members of Special Olympics. Because of this, those members showed up on the course and cheered for Pamala and all others wearing their wares! Talk about heart happy!
Boston is the elusive goal and Pamala was able to achieve this. Her first was without a doubt, her favorite. Congratulations Pamala for ‘turning Right on Hereford, Left on Boylston.’
If you see Pamala on the racecourse, be sure to tell her hello! Ask her why she runs. Find out what project she may be mulling in her head. Running gets her creativity flowing and her inner peace comes alive! What a fantastic way to spend the third Saturday in September.
Thank you, Pamala, for representing the Air Force Marathon 27 years running!

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